Grading System

The grading system that appears in the charts below governs grading symbols and computations for all undergraduate and graduate students of the University. All letter grades carry quality points and are computed in student GPAs.

Students receive a grade in each course for which they register and attend. Each course syllabus indicates the relationship between course components and assignments in determining a final grade. Grades of plus (+) and minus (-) are used in determining a grade point average (GPA). Quality points, used in determining a grade average, are assigned as follows:

General Grading Scale

Grade Quality Points Percentage*
A 4.00 94.0 - 100
A- 3.67 90.0 - 93.99
B+ 3.33 87.0 - 89.99
B 3.00 83.0 - 86.99
B- 2.67 80.0 - 82.99
C+ 2.33 77.0 - 79.99
C 2.00 73.0 - 76.99
C- 1.67 70.0 - 72.99
D+ 1.33 67.0 - 69.99
D 1.00 63.0 - 66.99
D- 0.67 60.0 - 62.99
F 0.00 < = 59.99
*For MBA students, a minimum passing grade is a “C+” grade. For MEd students, a minimum passing grade is a “B-“ grade.

Undergraduate Nursing Grading Scale

Grade Quality Points Percentage*
A 4.00 95.0 – 100
A- 3.67 90.0 - 94.99
B+ 3.33 87.0 - 89.99
B 3.00 84.0 – 86.99
B- 2.67 80.0 – 83.99
C+ 2.33 77.0 - 79.99
C 2.00 74.0 - 76.99
F 0.00 < = 73.99
*For BSN students, a minimum passing grade is ‘C.’

Graduate Nursing Grading Scale

Grade Quality Points Percentage*
A 4.00 95.0 – 100
A- 3.67 90.0 - 94.99
B+ 3.33 87.0 - 89.99
B 3.00 84.0 – 86.99
B- 2.67 80.0 – 83.99
F 0.00 < = 79.99
*For MSN students, a minimum passing grade is a ‘B’ grade.

Additional course designators are:

AU Audit - Indicates auditing of course for no credit; not included in computation of grade average.
CR Credit - Indicates student has passed with a “C” level grade or higher for undergraduate students and a “B” or better for graduate students; not included in determining grade average but does represent satisfactory progress toward a degree.
DP Drop – Indicates student has dropped courses during the add/drop period.
I Incomplete - Indicates special circumstances that delay course completion; not included in determining grade average and does not represent satisfactory progress toward the degree but does count toward credits attempted when determining satisfactory progress.
Indicates no grade was able to be issued by faculty due to extenuating circumstances. Grade defaults to failing grade after 180 calendar days if not resolved. Not included in determining grade average or towards credits attempted when determining satisfactory progress. 
NC No Credit - Indicates student has not passed with a “C” level grade or higher for undergraduate students and a “B” or better for graduate students; not included in determining grade average but does represent satisfactory progress toward a degree.
R Repeat - Indicates a course that has been repeated; only higher grade is used for computing GPA.
TC Transfer Credit - Denotes transfer credit; not included in determining grade average but does count as attempted and completed credits when determining satisfactory progress.
W Withdrawal - Indicates withdrawal after an Add/Drop period; not included in determining grade average but does count toward hours attempted when determining satisfactory academic progress.

Incomplete Grades

An Incomplete (I) grade is assigned when a student is unable to complete the requirements of a course due to extenuating circumstances beyond the student’s control, such as illness, hospitalization, death or care of family member. A student may request an Incomplete grade if at a minimum 60% of a course is completed and in good standing.

The student must initiate the request for an Incomplete to the faculty prior to the last day of the course. Faculty may require student to provide documentation of the extenuating circumstance. If the faculty approves the request for the Incomplete, a student may be given a maximum of four (4) weeks from the end of the course to meet the criteria outlined by the faculty for an Incomplete. It is the discretion of the faculty to give a shorter deadline.

Faculty will send the approval to the Office of the Registrar for processing. It is the responsibility of the student to follow up with the faculty to remove an Incomplete. Failure to resolve the Incomplete by the deadline given will result in the grade defaulting to an “F” or “NC” based on the grading criteria of the course.

A grade of Incomplete is not considered a grade and may not satisfy the prerequisite requirement of any subsequent courses.

Credit/No Credit Grading

A grade of Credit (CR) is equivalent to acceptable undergraduate or graduate performance (the equivalent of a “C” or higher for undergraduate students and a “B” or higher for graduate-level students). A No-Credit (NC) grade indicates that the course was not mastered. CR and NC grades are not included in computing GPA, however, used in calculating pace of completion for purposes in determining satisfactory academic progress.

Repeating a Course

The may repeat courses in which a below than average, or minimum passing, grade has been earned in order to work towards a better grade to assist in raising GPA. If a course is repeated, the most recent attempt will be used in calculating the cumulative GPA and for completion of program requirements. The original course will remain on the official transcript as credits attempted but not earned.

Students participating in the federal student aid program should verify with the Financial Aid Department to discuss how repeat of course(s) may impact their eligibility status.

  • Course(s) may be repeated when a grade of “D” or below affects the GPA for purposes of SAP.
  • A student may not repeat a course more than two (2) times for undergraduate students.
  • A student may not repeat a course more than one (1) time for graduate students.
  • Students will be charged the current tuition rate for the repeated course at the time the course is repeated.
  • Students in a nursing program taking clinical with a co-requisite didactic will be required to repeat both didactic and clinical courses if failure to pass either co-requisite.

Grade Changes

The University recognizes the right of every student to challenge and/or appeal a grade. Students are free to make general inquiries about grades, but are required to follow the published policies and procedures for formal appeals and requests for grade changes. Please refer to Grade Appeals area within this Catalog.

Course Withdrawal

Students may drop after the drop period and receive a withdrawal grade (W). A grade of “W” does not affect a student’s cumulative GPA, but counts as credit hours attempted toward both pace and maximum time frame. Course withdrawals will not be allowed after week seven (7) of an 8-week session. The earned grade will be awarded and will count towards the cumulative GPA and as credit hours attempted toward both pace and maximum time frame.

Notifying an instructor or other office of intent to drop a course does not constitute an official withdrawal. Students may withdraw from courses via student portal. Students who withdraw from course(s) are still responsible for tuition. Please refer to the University Refund Policy for more information.