Career Services

The University currently does not provide services to students and alumni in career preparation or placement. However, the University does provide online resources in the following areas: resume and cover letter building, improving interview skills, utilizing social media for job search and networking.

Below is a partial listing of the Standard Occupational Classification (SOC) Codes the University has identified for each program in which it prepares its students for the job market. For more information on SOC Codes and full-listing please contact the Office of the Provost.

Degree SOC Code
Bachelor of Arts in Liberal Studies 11-1021, 11-2022, 11-2032, 11-3012, 11-3031, 11-9051,  13-1071, 13-1151, 13-2052, 13-2072, 25-3041, 25-3099, 25-9031, 25-9042, 33-3051
Credential Track - 25-2021, 25-2031, 25-2011, 25-2022, 25-3011
Bachelor of Education  25-2021, 25-2031, 25-2011, 25-2022, 25-3011
Bachelor of Arts in Management 11-1021, 11-2021, 11-2022, 11-3011, 11-3121, 11-9199.02, 13-1071, 13-1161. 13-1199, 13-2031, 13-2071, 15-1199.08, 15-1199.12, 41-4012, 41-1011, 43-4161,
Bachelor of Science in Health Sciences 21-1091, 21-1094, 21-1091, 11-9111, 25-1071, 29-2071,
Bachelor of Science in Information Technology 11-3021.00, 15-1121.00, 15-1122.00, 15-1132.00, 15-1134.00, 15-1142.00, 15-1141.00, 15-1151.00, 15-1199.03
Bachelor of Science in Nursing (RN to BSN) 25-1072, 29-1141
Teacher Credentialing 25-2021, 25-2031, 25-2011, 25-2022, 25-3011
Doctor of Nursing Practice 11-9111.00, 25-1072.00, 29-1141.00, 29-1171.00
Master of Arts in Education 25-2020, 25-2021,25-2022 25-2030-, 25-2031, 25-2050,  25-1000, 25-1020, 25-1040, 25-1050, 25-1060, 25-1070, 25-1080, 25-3000, 25-3090, 25-4020, 25-9040,
Master of Arts in Teaching 25-2021, 25-2031, 25-2011, 25-2022, 25-3011
Master of Business Administration 11-1021, 11-2021, 11-2022, 11-3031.02, 11-3071.03, 11-9141, 13-1161, 13-2011.02, 13-1199, 15-1122, 15-1199.08, 15-1199.09, 25-1011, 43-5061, 55-1019,
Master of Science in Nursing – Health Care Leadership 11-9111, 29-1141, 29-1141.04
Master of Science in Nursing – Nurse Educator 11-9033, 11-9039, 21-1091, 25-1072, 25-2032
Master of Science in Nursing - Family Nurse Practitioner 25-1072, 29-1141, 29-1171