4-1 Faculty Workload
Faculty workload is defined in terms of both commitments of time and commitment of effort or performance. All Faculty are professionals and, as such, plan the use of their own time to fulfill their obligations and meet other professional responsibilities.
The commitment of time includes (1) the obligation to meet course contact hours and (2) establish posted office hours. The commitment of effort includes instruction of courses and all other aspects of teaching and service to United States University, and in the case of full-time faculty, scholarship. Faculty must plan their time to accommodate the irregular nature of much academic work.
Core Faculty are expected, and adjunct faculty are encouraged to participate in University, Faculty Senate, Program, College meetings, professional development seminars, and serve on appointed and elected committees, unless on other University business or academic leave. Core Faculty may be required to attend training deemed critical by the College Dean or the Provost.
4.1a Core Faculty Workload
This section sets forth workload standards for Core Faculty, who may serve in the role of Program Director, in the following Service Domains. Individual workloads may vary from these standards as described below. These standards are intended to help Core Faculty plan and schedule their work; they do not define the performance standards used to evaluate faculty for merit, reappointment, or promotion.
Domain One: Teaching
Teaching is the single most important responsibility of Core Faculty members. The full-time Core Faculty teaching load will be established in consultation with the Dean*.
Domain Two: Governance
While it is recognized that the time committed to governance activities may vary from week to week, Core Faculty are expected to be available to serve the College or United States University's needs.
Domain Three Scholarly and Creative Contributions, Professional Service, Community Service
During any one given year, Core Faculty are expected to devote a portion of their professional life to one of the three remaining Evaluation Domains: Scholarly and Creative Contributions, Professional Service, or Community Service. Core Faculty members make an intentional choice of focus domain in consultation with their College Dean.
Domain Four: Curriculum and Assessment
Application of Standards
These workload standards are the minimum expected activities faculty should engage in; they do not represent expected results or outcomes. Core Faculty will be evaluated for reappointment, promotion, or merit. For more information on core faculty performance evaluation, see Chapter 4.
4.1 b Release Time
Except under special circumstances, the release time is only available to Core Faculty with significant administrative responsibilities. Release time must be approved by the Program Director, Dean, and Provost.
The following criteria will govern the assignment of release time:
● Program size, determined by the number of course sections taught in the program, inclusive of program specializations and academic certificates;
● Responsibility for off-campus sites, including campuses and off-site locations (e.g., clinical supervision)
● Outside agency accreditation or certification visits scheduled for the applicable academic year;
● University Educational Effectiveness Program Review scheduled for the applicable academic year;
● Special projects or additional supervisory responsibilities assigned during the applicable academic year;
Form: Request for Faculty Release Time