8-1 Violations of Faculty Handbook Policies
The Faculty Senate will investigate relevant reports of violations of the Faculty Handbook. If a violation is substantiated, the Faculty Senate will recommend actions to the Provost to correct or redress these violations.
8.1a Reporting Violations to Handbook Policies
Faculty who believe that any of the policies outlined in the Faculty Handbook may have been violated or have any concerns related to faculty work or welfare that are not resolved informally should report those complaints to the Faculty Senate. Faculty who wish to contest personnel actions, including those related to appointment, reappointment, promotion, merit, or discipline for cause, or who believe they have been subject to unlawful discrimination or harassment as described in this Faculty Handbook or other United States University Policies, should proceed according to the grievance process set forth in this Faculty Handbook.
8.1b Referring Complaints
Faculty should refer all complaints regarding violations of Faculty Handbook policies to the Faculty Senate.
The appropriate Faculty Senate committee may investigate relevant and material complaints of such violations. If necessary, relevance and materiality will be determined by a majority vote of the Faculty Senate Officers.If the Faculty Senate Officers find that a violation has occurred. In that case, the Faculty Senate Officers may, in writing, recommend corrective action(s) to the Provost, with a copy to the reporting Faculty member. The Provost will provide a written response to the Faculty Senate Executive Board. No investigation or determination by the Faculty Senate Officers shall impair or substitute for the process by which disciplinary action is determined or the process of any subsequent grievance, as prescribed by the Faculty Handbook.
Faculty Rights and Responsibilities
Due Process: Faculty are entitled to the rights of due process. These include the right to be notified promptly of any complaints or grievances against them and the right to respond to those complaints or grievances.