
Title: Returned Checks
Owner: VP, Student Accounts
Last Update/Revised: 05/01/2024

Policy: If a check is returned due to insufficient funds or any other reason, the student will be notified of this action and assessed a return check fee. Students who have written multiple insufficient fund checks may be required to make all future payments by cash, money order or credit card. Refer to the Tuition and Fees section of the catalog for the fee amount.

Exceptions to the return check fee.

  • The student notified not to make a deposit to the check issued.
  • Check was expired.
  • Payment is made by a third-party (e.g., employer, scholarship, governmental agency, etc.).

Purpose:  The purpose of this policy is to define what action(s) the university may impose on returned checks.


  1. When a banking institution notifies the University Accounting Department of a returned check(s) for insufficient funds, the Accounting Department will notify the Student Accounts (SA) Department.
  2. The SA will post a returned check charge on the student's ledger card. The SA will work with Student Finance on the next steps to obtain payment.
  3. The Student Finance Department will then contact the student to collect payment from the student or third-party.
    1.  If an agency related payment issue, the following departments are responsible for outreach and collection:
      1. Financial Aid - Financial Aid Department
      2. Military Payment - Military Benefits Team
      3. Golden State Teacher's Grant - Financial Aid Department
      4. All other agencies - Student Accounting Department.

Scope:  The policy applies to all instances when a check is returned.

Documents and Forms: None