VI. Sanctions for Violations of the Student Code of Conduct

Violations of the Student Code of Conduct/University Policies may result in sanctions, including assessment of fines. Fines are in addition to restitution, educational sanctions, community service, and/or any additional sanctions resulting from disciplinary action. The fines are designed to provide deterrents to prospective violators and to assign accountability to actual violators. The violations in the following list represent behaviors that contradict the mission of the University and often result in damage to the University property or hazards to individual safety. This list is not exhaustive, and may be amended at the discretion of the President. Fine amounts are subject to change with 14 day notice to students.

  1. Moving a fire extinguisher or tampering with any safety related system: i.e., fire suppression system, sprinkler heads, smoke detectors, carbon monoxide detectors, etc. $750.00.
  2. Discharging a fire extinguisher. $750.00, plus costs for clean-up, repair, replacement, and/or refill.
  3. Creating a false fire alarm. $1,000.00, plus restitution for all costs associated with the false alarm, including, but not limited to, costs of any municipal and/or county fire responses.
  4. Misuse of the University telephone system (e.g., conducting private for profit business, unauthorized use of an access code, telephone harassment, obscene greetings or messages on voicemail, etc.). $100.00.
  5. Misuse of University campus computer networks (e.g., conducting private for-profit business(es), unauthorized use of passwords, e-mail harassment, unethical conduct, computer lab violations, etc.). $100.00.
  6. Defacing University property (e.g., painting on walls, etc.). $500.00 - $400.00, plus costs of clean-up, repair, and/or replacement.