Appendix G Preceptor and Clinical Placement Interest Form

OFE is pleased assist FNP students in following up with sites and preceptors for clinical placement. As student clinical placement is highly competitive, we encourage you to provide us as much information to help you achieve your preferred location and to submit your interests as timely as possible, no later than your 4th course with USU. Please provide at least 3 preceptors and the sites where they are in practice per setting you are interested in. Submitting incomplete or inaccurate information form may delay processing.

Students previously submitted a PDF form to their Clinical Placement Coordinator. Effective May 2022, students shall submit their interest through the electronic google form. Students are required to submit this form for each site/preceptor they are interested (at least 3 per clinical specialty).


To complete the form  click here or follow this link:

^^^You must be logged in to your USU Google Account to access the form^^^