Tuberculosis (TB)
For continued enrollment - required annually.
Negative 2-Step PPD, where the 2nd Step is dated with 7-365 days of the 1st Step. Annually thereafter, only an Annual 1-Step PPD is required. Subsequent tuberculosis testing is a onestep PPD repeated annually. The skin test reaction should be read between 48 and 72 hours after administration. A patient who does not return within 72 hours will need to be rescheduled for another skin test. A TB test is valid for one year. TB records must be current and on file. The QuantiFERON®-TB Gold blood test may be accepted in lieu of the PPD. For positive PPD or QuantiFERON®- TB Gold Test/T-Spot, negative CXRs will be required, along with the annual symptoms checklist (Appendix F). A chest x-ray is valid for 5 years, but the evaluation form must be submitted annually. INH and the annual symptoms checklist (Appendix F) may also be submitted. The PPD is not contraindicated for anyone including pregnant women, persons who are HIV-infected, or persons who have been vaccinated with BCG. Evaluation will be made on an individual basis. Note: If a student chooses to submit QuantiFERON®- TB and then it expires and the student chooses to then submit Negative 2-step PPD, both steps are required (i.e. QuantiFERON®- TB will not be acceptable as the first step)
BLS card
For continued enrollment re-certification is required prior to expiration date. BLS certification for the Professional Rescuer or Healthcare Provider is required. Information as to the availability of courses may be obtained by calling either the American Heart Association or checking online. This certification is valid for a two-year period and provides comprehensive training in this area.
Other BLS courses will NOT fulfill this requirement. Online-only courses are not acceptable. Government/military issued BLS may be acceptable. ACLS alone is not acceptable.
Provider Name
Course Title
American Heart Association
BLS Healthcare Provider
Tetanus- Diphtheria (Tdap)
For continued enrollment – required prior to expiration date.
Documentation of Tetanus-Diphtheria with Acellular Pertussis vaccination administered within the past 10 years. (Tdap vaccines required, TD can be provided after Tdap expires.). Evaluation will be made on an individual basis.
Influenza (Flu) For continued enrollment - required annually.
Flu vaccines are available from late September through early May. Students are required to have a current flu vaccine on file in order to enter the clinical setting. Influenza vaccine is required annually. Evaluation will be made on an individual basis.
Nursing License
Student are required to carry an active nursing license from the state that student will anticipate performing their clinical rotation in. Student’s nursing license and liability insurance coverage should both be active and within the same state.
Medical Clearance Form
A physician or other health care provider completes this form following a physical exam of the student. If the physical was performed within the last six months, the form may be completed based off that exam.
Hepatitis B
immune due to
no vaccination necessary
anti‑ HBc
positive with >10mIU/mL
Hepatitis B vaccine (3 doses) OR blood titers are required. A lab confirmation must be presented (see below) if using blood titers. You will be required to repeat the vaccine series if there is no immunity. If you have repeated vaccination series and completed a second titer and the results are still negative, equivocal, or borderline, then you may sign a waiver for this disease. Evaluation will be made on an individual basis.
MMR: Measles, (Rubeola), Mumps, Rubella
Students must show proof of immunity (lab evidence indicating positive MMR titers). It is not sufficient to report having had any of these illnesses or vaccinations as a child. Titers must indicate adequate protection. If a titer for any disease is Negative or Equivocal, you must submit 2 doses of MMR dated AFTER the non-immune titer date. Evaluation will be made on an individual basis.
Varicella (Chicken Pox)
Students must show proof of immunity (lab evidence indicating positive varicella titers). Because of recent changes in policies, documentation of history of chicken pox or varicella vaccinations are not sufficient. If the titer is Negative or Equivocal, you must submit 2 doses of Varicella dated AFTER the non-immune titer date. Evaluation will be made on an individual basis.
Health Insurance
For continued enrollment required prior to expiration date.
Verification of the student’s current health insurance coverage. (e.g., copy of insurance card.) This information is be required to be current throughout your clinicals.
Malpractice /University Insurance
Student-Self Coverage
$1M per incident, $6M aggregate. The coverage should state that student is covered as a Student. OFE does not require a specific provider.
Note: Your clinical site may require additional coverage.
CONHS carries Medical Professional Liability Insurance on all students in programs that require clinical experiences. The coverage is $1,000,000 each occurrence and $3,000,000 aggregate. |
Background Check
All nursing students must complete a background check prior to first clinical rotation. No felonies accepted, and misdemeanors will be subject to review by the Program Director whose decision is final. A student must report, within 10 days, any legal violation such as a DUI, misdemeanor or felony if occurrence is during the program. Students will not be permitted to continue in the program without a disposition date in any circumstances. Students may not be allowed to continue in the program depending on the offense. The student must pay the cost of the background check.
Hepatitis A
Recommended but not required.
Drug Screen
Students are required to have a negative drug screen prior to beginning first clinical experience. Students will be notified by the Office of Field Experience when drug screen is required. The student pays the cost of the drug screen. All students should refer to the detailed Policy for Student Drug, Nicotine & Alcohol Screening section of this handbook.
Students must sign and return this form, which certifies the student has completed the HIPAA training within the Nursing Caring Corner and completed the quiz with an 80% or higher.
Universal Precautions
Based on the mandatory CDC and OSHA guidelines, students and clinical faculty will consistently observe blood and body fluid precautions when working with all clients in all settings. Students are required to complete the Blood-borne Pathogens Training in the Nursing Caring Corner. Once training is completed, students must take quiz and get an 80% or higher. Students will submit a screenshot of the grade page (showing name, date, and grade) to meet this requirement.
Covid-19 testing or vaccine
Students in a clinical course must meet one of the following as of October 15,2021:
A) 2 doses of Moderna or Pfizer COVID-19 vaccination.
B) Single dose of the Johnson and Johnson COVID-19 vaccination.
If a student chooses to decline the vaccination, you must request an exception in Complio. You will need to include the USU Covid-19declination form, sign it, and upload it to Complio.
For immersion: If you are declining the vaccine, in addition to the declination form, you will need to provide documentation of a negative SARS-COV-2 PCR test that was collected within 72 hours of the first date of your immersion.
For clinical: If you are declining the vaccine, in addition to the declination form, a letter from your site(s) confirming approval of the declination is required. This declination must be disclosed to each clinical site and may jeopardize placement and the student will be responsible for finding their own approved clinical placements that accept the declination.
On the first day of immersion, students will be screened at the check-in table. If the student’s name is not on the list of vaccinated students, and if the student does not have the negative SARS-COV-2 documentation in hand or submitted at the time of immersion, students will be denied admission to the immersion and will be administratively withdrawn from the course.
We cannot stress enough the importance of being fully vaccinated, which is defined as two weeks after receiving two doses of either the Pfizer or Moderna vaccines or one dose of the Johnson & Johnson vaccine. Even if you have had COVID-19, you shouldstill get vaccinated, as the immunization strengthens immunity after natural infection.
Please note that non-compliance with the above instructions will result in administrative withdrawal from the immersion or clinical course, and you will be responsible for all financial implications as a result of this. There will be no exceptions to this requirement. If you are currently in clinical or approaching clinical, it is very important to submit your vaccine by the deadline. If not updated, Project Concert access will be revoked, and you will not be able to log hours or be on-site until you are 100% compliant in Complio. This may result in failure or being withdrawn from the course at the students expense.