SIBME is the video software that is used to record the student teaching lessons that will be observed. Via this software (, you will have the opportunity to allow your University Supervisor to view your lesson. For ease of use, download the SIBME app and log in following the directions provided. This allows you to record directly to Sibme and avoid any extra steps. This can be done live (similar to using Zoom), or you can upload the recorded video for your University Supervisor to review. You should receive email instructions on how to access this software and upload the videos. Your observations and evaluations will be in this software. It is critical that you review those videos, reflect and leave comments on them. Please also ask your Cooperating Teacher and University Supervisor to do the same. You, the Cooperating Teacher, and the University Supervisor should all review the same lesson, and then you should discuss the lesson and debrief. The lessons you use for your observations cannot be the same lessons you use for your edTPA, because you cannot receive feedback on the edTPA from anyone outside of the official edTPA reviewers.