Supervised Student Teaching Classroom Training
A teacher credential candidate cannot be expected to take over responsibilities of the entire classroom upon their arrival. Candidates are “learning to teach”. Therefore, candidates should be taught and evaluated as students and not compared to experienced and/or “seasoned” professionals. While it is important to have high expectations, candidates must be mentored and “groomed” before taking full responsibility of the classroom.
Teacher credential candidates will vary in their range of classroom experience. Therefore, not all candidates can follow the same “readiness” schedule in taking over the responsibilities of the entire classroom. However, based on a reasonable transitional period, candidates should gradually assume full responsibility for lesson planning, evaluation of students, and classroom discipline. The following phases are recommended as an ideal transitional flow for candidates:
The Beginning Phase: Observing Modeled Instruction
In this initial phase, the Cooperating Teacher provides the teacher credential candidate an opportunity to observe the management of the classroom. Candidates should ask questions and become familiar with the classroom management plan, to include routines, procedures, and overall organization of the classroom. The Cooperating Teacher provides a model of teaching for the teacher credential candidate to observe and become familiar with. It is important for the candidate to understand the culture of the classroom in which they will fulfill their Student Teaching. Master Teacher models and provides the teacher credential candidate exposure to a variety of methods and strategies reflecting his/her approach to teaching.
During the observation period, student should focus on:
- Culture of the learning community
- Classroom management system and techniques
- Teacher to student interaction and relationships\
- Teaching methods
- Use of instructional materials
- Planning and organization
The Second Phase: Gradual Release of Responsibility
As teacher credential candidates become more familiar with students, instructional practice, and the general flow of the classroom, they should be allowed to plan, teach small groups, and support the teacher in his/her instruction. In this phase, the Cooperating Teacher can provide the candidate a form of “guided practice” in order to facilitate a smooth transition to full classroom responsibility. By working together, in small or whole group settings, candidates become more involved and engaged in all aspects of instruction. Cooperating Teachers involve candidates in the planning, organization, delivery, and assessment of instruction.
The Third Phase: Full Responsibility of the Classroom
In the last phase, the teacher credential candidate is prepared and ready to teach and manage the classroom on their own. At an agreed time, candidates should take on full responsibility for classroom instruction. Candidates should confer regularly with the Master Teacher and USU Supervisor regarding their teaching and the progress of the students. The Cooperating Teacher, in consultation with the University Supervisor, determines the readiness of the candidate to assume total responsibility of the classroom. It is during this time that the teacher candidate records their lessons for evaluation as well as for submission of the EdTPA.
Conferences with Cooperating Teacher and USU Supervisor are essential to the professional growth of credential teacher candidates. USU Supervisors meet with candidates after each evaluation visit. USU Supervisors conduct four visits and write four formal evaluations. Cooperating Teachers observe and complete four evaluations during the semester.