Organization of Clinical Practice
Clinical Practice is a developmental and sequential set of activities integrated with theoretical and pedagogical coursework and must consist of a minimum or 600 hours across the arc of the program. The range of Clinical Practice experiences provided by the program includes, supervised early field work experiences, initial co-planning, or (guided teaching) and final student teaching. Student teaching includes a minimum of four weeks of solo or co-teaching or its equivalent.
Student teaching is rarely available during the Summer. Students who begin the program in the fall terms and continuously enroll in two courses each term must acknowledge that student teaching may be delayed until the following fall terms due to third party teaching placements availability. By not continuing during summer sessions, this may impact your continuous enrollment, financial aid (if applicable), and time to complete.
The following Courses may not be offered in the summer II term:
EDU 565/561 Student Teaching (Clinical Practice) I
EDU 562 Directed Student Teaching Seminar I
EDU 567/563 Student Teaching (Clinical Practice) II
EDU 564 Directed Student Teaching Seminar II