303 - Office of Field Experience

Title:  Office of Field Experience
Owner: Director of Field Experience
Last Update/Revised: 02/25/2021

Policy: The College of Nursing and Health Sciences (CONHS) and the Office of Field Experience (OFE) determine if students have met all of the requirements necessary to participate in field experience courses. Each student has an assigned Clinical Placement Coordinator dedicated to supporting the clinical preparation process.

Purpose: The OFE supports each clinical student in setting up clinical field experiences so that it meets United States University’s academic and professional standards, as well as the standards that United States University is contractually obligated to uphold under its affiliation agreements with partnering organizations.

Scope: The scope of this policy applies to all CONHS clinical students, clinical faculty and administrators.

Document and Form(s):

The Office of Field Experience follows the policies outlined in:

Procedure: The primary responsibilities of OFE are as follows:

  • Assisting students in understanding the nature of the field experience and the expectations involved
  • Approving sites and preceptors for field experience to ensure they meet USU CONHS standards
  • Assisting students in the practicum application process, if required
  • Confirming students meet all health and safety requirements for the experience
  • Counseling students as needed
  • Communicating with sites and preceptors as necessary
  • Communicating with the field experience instructors as necessary