307-12 - Degree/Certificate Time to Completion

Title: Degree/Certificate Time to Completion
Owner: Office of the Provost and College Deans
Last Updated/Revised: 05/01/2024

Policy: Students must complete their program within a designated time (listed below). Due to the constant changes in industry and technology this ensures that students to stay current with knowledge within their field of study. Time-to-degree begins with their first course of study as listed on their degree plan including any transferred courses.

Degree/Certificate Time-to-Degree
Doctorate 2 Times of Program Length
Master's 2 Times of Program Length
Bachelor's 1.5 Times of Program Length
Certificate 2 Times of Program Length

Some programs of study may have special requirements to be completed in less than the specified time period. Those may be listed within the program of study within the catalog. 

Doctorate students must be enrolled in the term in which they file their final document with the College.

Students who take a break in their studies or whose time to degree exceeds the listed time frame above should check with their academic advisor to determine if they are eligible to return. Some programs may have had a substantial change in educational objectives or  may no longer be offered.

Purpose: To ensure that students are completing their degree plans within a reasonable amount of time. 

Procedures: Students exceeding their time to degree completion or wishing to re-enroll after their time to degree completion must file a policy exception request to be reviewed by the dean and the provost.

Scope: All programs offered at United States University.

Documents and Forms: Exception to Policy Request Form