307-5 - Course Substitutions

Title:  Course Substitution
Owner: University Registrar
Last Updated/Revised: 05/01/2024

Policy: In certain cases, a student may request to substitute a USU core or general education course for a specific course requirement. Students will be required to complete a course substitution form and provide detailed explanation for substitution. Approval is required by the Dean. Students may not substitute more than 15 credits.

Purpose: The purpose of this policy is to assist students who have enrolled in coursework outside their designated program of study, or intend to do so, provided that such courses are closely aligned with their field of study. These courses may be utilized as substitutions to fulfill graduation requirements effectively.


  1. Students wishing to substitute a course within their program of study must submit a formal request to the Office of the Registrar at Registrar@usuniversity.edu.
    1. The request should include:
      1. USU course number and title.
      2. Proposed substitution course number and title.
      3. Clear justification for the course substitution, demonstrating how the proposed course aligns with the student's academic and career objectives.
      4. Relevant documentation, such as course syllabi or descriptions, may be required to support the request.
  2. The Office of the Registrar will review and forward to the respective College Dean for further review and approval.
  3. Once a decision is reached, the student will be notified of the outcome.
  4. Approved substitutions will be documented in the student's academic record.
  5. Upon approval, the student may proceed with enrolling in the substituted course as per the designated registration procedures.

Scope: This policy applies to all current students.

Documents and Forms: