Head Lice Procedure

•  Transmission to another host occurs when two heads are in direct contact for one minute or more. They can climb rapidly in dry hair and are not removed by washing. 

• Standard Infection Control Precautions (Universal Precautions Policy) should be implemented for the management of lice. 

• Staff should wear appropriate PPE (long sleeved gowns and gloves) during application of treatment and when prolonged contact occurs. 

• Remove linen and clothing carefully and treat as infected linen. 

• Minimum of daily linen changes may be necessary to reduce the number of lice where there is heavy infestation. 

• Personal clothing can be sent home in a sealed plastic bag for washing which should be washed at temperatures suitable for the fabric but ideally above 65 degrees and preferably dried in a tumble drier and ironed. 

• The student needs to go home for treatment and cannot return to practice immersion for 24 hours: Obtain the recommended product from the pharmacy. Treat the patient according to product instructions. Two treatments are recommended seven days apart to prevent lice emerging from eggs that survive the first application. All family members, close contacts and affected staff (head to head contact for 1 minute or more) to be treated at the same time on the same day.