I. Jurisdiction

The University Student Conduct Code shall apply to the following:

  1. Any person that has applied for admission or is enrolled in any course or program offered by the University at the time of the alleged violation.
  2. Any recognized student organization.
    1.  A student group or organization and its officers may be held collectively and individually responsible when violations of this Code by those associated with the group or organization have received the consent or encouragement of the group or organization or the group's or organization's leader or officers.
    2. The officers or leaders or any identifiable spokesperson for the student group or organization may be directed by the University designee to take appropriate emergency or interim action designed to prevent or to end violations of this Code by the group or organization. Failure to make reasonable efforts to comply with the order shall be considered a violation of this Code, both by the officers, leaders, or spokesperson for the group or organization; and by the group or organization itself.
  3. The conduct code shall be applied in cases of inappropriate conduct:
    1. Occurring on University real property, including any leased property; or
    2. Involving University personal property wherever so located; or
    3. Regardless of where it occurs, when occurring at activities pursued under the auspices of the University, including clinical assignments, internships, field trips, international study, travel, student teaching, and/or any activity supporting pursuit of a degree; or
    4. Regardless of where it occurs, when clearly indicating that the presence of the student or organization at the University results in a substantial danger of physical harm to persons or property in the University community; or
    5. Regardless of where it occurs, any activity in which a policy report has been filed, a summons or indictment has been issued, or an arrest has occurred for a crime.