IV. Sanctions

If a student or student organization admits to a violation of this Code to the Conduct Committee (hereinafter referred to as "Committee") or the President, or upon determination by the Committee or President that the student or organization has committed a violation of the Code, one or more of the following sanctions may be imposed in accordance with the provisions of this Code.

Progressive discipline is a method of corrective action that may be used; however, United States University is not required to use progressive discipline. The Committee, President, or University has broad authority for imposition of sanctions. The following sanctions may be imposed in any order and/or in any combination deemed appropriate by the University.

  1. Dismissal
    Permanent separation from the University, and exclusion from University premises, privileges, events, and activities. A student or student organization may be readmitted if, at some future time, it can be demonstrated that another opportunity is warranted. The burden of demonstrating that another opportunity is warranted rests with the student or student organization requesting re-admittance.
  2. Suspension
    Separation from the University for a stated period of time and/or until stated condition(s) is (are) met, and exclusion from University premises, privileges, events, and activities. Suspended students or student organizations must petition the President or designee for readmission.
  3. Interim Suspension
    Suspensions in cases where there is reasonable cause to believe immediate suspension is required to protect lives or property and to insure the maintenance of order. A student shall not, without prior written permission from the President or designee, enter the campus other than to attend a disciplinary hearing. Violation of interim suspension will be grounds for immediate dismissal. 
  4. Deferred Suspension
    Suspension that is delayed or deferred pending specified behavioral performance. A finite period of observation and review occurs during the deferred suspension. If a student or student organization is again found responsible for violations of the Code, or fails to meet the behavioral performance, the suspension will take place immediately without appeal.
  5. Disciplinary Probation
    Exclusion from participation in extracurricular institutional activities for a specified period; or from participation in specified institutional activities, events, or programs that may include holding leadership positions in any student club or organization. Additional restrictions or conditions may also be imposed. Violations of the terms of disciplinary probation, or any other violation of this Code during the period of probation will normally result in suspension or dismissal from the University.
  6. Official Censure
    A written reprimand given to a student for violation of specified regulations, including a warning that continuation or repetition of prohibited conduct may be caused for additional disciplinary action.
  7. Official Warning
    Notice to the student, orally or in writing, that continuation or repetition of prohibited conduct may be cause for additional action.
  8. Restitution
    Payment up to the replacement value of the items damaged (but not to exceed same). Restitution could include costs for cleaning, staff time, materials, supplies, and similar charges related to the violation and/or the adjudication of the violation.
  9. Educational Sanction
    An order requiring the student or student organization to perform mandated service or to participate in educational programs or activities, including, but not limited to, educational seminars, research or educational projects, educational programs for alcohol or other drugs, treatment programs for alcohol or other drugs, psychological counseling, or any other programs, tasks, or events designated to assist the student in learning more about how their behavior(s) affect themselves and/or the community.
  10. Other Sanction
    Such other action as the President or Conduct Committee, within reason, may deem appropriate (e.g. counseling assessment and compliance; fines; denial of financial assistance from programs funded by the University, prohibition of contact with specified person(s); withholding registration, diplomas, or other records; and payment of costs for educational programs).
    Attempts to commit acts prohibited by this Code may be punished to the same extent as completed violations. Any violation of this Code motivated by consideration of race, gender, color, religion, ancestry, national origin, age, disability, veteran status, sexual orientation, or other protected status under federal and/or state statutes and/or University policy may subject the student to the imposition of a sanction more severe than would be imposed in the absence of such motivation.
    Students who fail to complete sanctions will have a disciplinary hold placed on their records, affecting their ability to perform registration, and other functions, and may receive additional judicial charges. Disciplinary holds will not be lifted until sanctions are completed. The University reserves the right to revoke an awarded degree for fraud in receipt of the degree, or for serious disciplinary violations committed by a student prior to the student's graduation.