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About United States University
Introduction to the Student Teaching Handbook
The Cooperating Teacher
The University Supervisor
The Teacher Credential Candidate
The Teacher Credential Candidate's Responsibilities
Student Teaching Requirements
Typical Responsibilities while Participating in Student Teaching Activities
Assistance, Retention and Dismissal
Identification while Enrolled in Credential Coursework
Identification while Enrolled in Student Teaching
Appeals and Reviews
Conflict Resolution
Policies for Teacher Credential Candidates
Student Teaching
Assessment and Evaluation
Directed Student Teaching Seminars
Awards and Celebrations
Credentialing Information
Student Teaching Handbook Acknowledgement
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The Teacher Credential Candidate's Responsibilities
Make personal contact with the Cooperating Teacher to discuss lesson plans, schedules, observations, conferencing, and evaluations
Gather information about the school. Candidates ask for copies of Student, Teacher, Parent Handbooks, maps, schedules, school calendar.
Review important crisis information such as fire drills.
Learn about duties the school requires of USU teacher credential candidates, such as:
Be present at the school site during regular teacher hours
Collaborate with Cooperating Teacher for planning and teaching lessons
Be responsible for all teacher duty. These may include supervising, yard duty, cafeteria duty, before school yard supervision, bus duty, staff meetings, in-service, etc.
Discuss student progress regularly with the Cooperating Teacher and University Supervisor.
Assist in routine tasks and responsibilities in the classroom and in general school tasks.
Attend mandatory weekly synchronous seminars via video conferences at the University.
Review the State Framework and the State and District Standards.
Design lesson plans carefully and submit them to the Cooperating Teacher and University Supervisor, as appropriate.
Following each observation, meet with the university supervisor to review.
Confer with Cooperating Teacher and University Supervisor after the mid-term and end of term evaluations.
Review evaluations.