The Site Supervisor
Site Supervisors are teaching professionals who mentor, guide, and support teacher interns on their path to becoming credentialed teachers. The goal of the school and Site Supervisor placement is to provide the credential candidate with in-depth fieldwork designed to practice and hone their skills in instructional planning and development, instructional strategies, student assessment, and classroom management.
Site Supervisors are extremely important for the development of an effective intern teaching environment. Site Supervisors serve as models for dynamic teaching and effective classroom management. It is important for Site Supervisors to allocate time accordingly to provide guidance and support to teacher interns. Conferring regularly with the candidate is especially important in order to provide immediate feedback and the necessary coaching that leads to mastery of effective classroom practices. Conferring can take place before and/or after school or during a preparation period if appropriate.
The credential candidate’s intern experience is a time of trial and error, success and failures, triumphs and sometimes, frustration. The role of the Site Supervisors is to model, support, recommend, correct, counsel, and sometimes prod the candidate into “treading in unfamiliar waters”. The Site Supervisor’s encouragement and support will provide the candidate with the special assistance needed for them to achieve success.
Site Supervisors Roles and Responsibilities
- Supports, models, and encourages the implementation of the Teacher Performance Expectations.
- Provides the teacher intern an opportunity to ask questions, and become familiar with classroom management plans, to include routines, procedures, and overall organization.
- Assists the teacher intern as necessary, as they write and develop lesson plans, as well as a variety of class activities related to the course/grade level curriculum.
- Assists the teacher intern in establishing methods of classroom control appropriate to the age and grade level of the students. Thereby, ensuring that the candidate inspires the respect of students through effective classroom management techniques.
- Provides the teacher intern constructive criticism, suggestions, and ideas.
- Assists the teacher intern in identifying available instructional materials.
- Participates in three-way conferences with the teacher intern and the University Supervisor to calibrate observations and ongoing progress.
- Completes and submits the Teacher Intern Formal Evaluation Forms and provides feedback on observations.
- Completes and submits an evaluation of the University Supervisor and Program.