The University Supervisor

University Supervisors assist teacher interns in becoming professional educators. University Supervisors also promote a mutual understanding between cooperating schools and the university to work together to train and prepare new teachers for the field of education. For all concerned, University Supervisors are key representatives of United States University.

Supervision of Interns

A University Supervisor observes the intern periodically during the term, conferences with the intern after each observation and provides the required support. The school provides a Site Supervisor who functions as the Intern’s on-site mentor. The school site also provides the required support outlined in the internship agreement.

Interns are evaluated by the University Supervisor and the Site Supervisor at the end of each eight week term. Observations (video taped lessons) are required to be submitted twice each eight week term and will be a part of the evaluation process. . In conferences, observations and evaluations are reviewed, discussed, and signed. The performance areas and indicators on the Evaluation Form are closely linked to the California Teaching Performance Expectations. Interns are also subject to the evaluation practices and requirements of their school site.

United States University in partnership with employing districts shall provide 144 hours of support and supervision annually and 45 hours of support and supervision specific to teaching English learners pursuant to California Code of Regulations §80033. In addition, as outlined in the MOU agreement with the participating district, no intern's salary may be reduced by more than 1/8 of its total to pay for supervision, and the salary of the intern shall not be less than the minimum base salary paid to a regularly certificated person. If the intern salary is reduced, no more than eight interns may be advised by one district support person.

University Supervisors’ Roles and Responsibilities

  • Establishes a positive working relationship with the assigned teacher intern.
  • Introduces him/herself to the school Principal and/or Principal’s designee.
  • Serves as liaison between the teacher intern and the Site Supervisor.
  • Maintains open communication between school personnel, Site Supervisor, and the teacher intern.
  • Is responsive to the needs of the teacher intern and Site Supervisor.
  • Assists teacher interns in the development of teaching skills.
  • Supports teacher interns personally and professionally.
  • Provides regular constructive feedback, both oral and written.
  • Secures teacher intern evaluations from the Site Supervisor.
  • Meets and instructs teacher interns in the 4 internship courses (I-IV).
  • Records attendance and grades within the timelines required by USU.
  • Evaluates the teacher intern’s work and conducts formal observations and evaluations.
  • Reviews evaluations and observations with the teacher intern and the Site Supervisor.