401-4 - Faculty Workload

Title:  Faculty Workload Calculation
Owner: Office of the Provost
Last Updated/Revised: 05/01/2024

Policy: United States University recognizes and supports the important work that faculty members do. Workloads are managed using the guidelines within this policy to ensure federal and state regulatory requirements are met. These guidelines support program, college, and university decisions related to the equitable and judicious sharing of faculty workload.

Faculty workload (estimated number of hours worked each week) is calculated for each academic session and managed by Program Directors or designee.

In general, we estimate .5 hours per student per week, with the expectation of doctoral students that are calculated as 1.0 hour per student per week.

Adjunct Faculty

Adjunct faculty are permitted up to a 25 hour workload/week.

Full-Time Faculty

Full time faculty workload is not to exceed a 35 hour workload/week (in order to allow for administrative time, professional development, etc.).

Tasks and Workload Calculations

  • 1 course of 25 students (non doctoral) = 12.5 load per week (25 x .5 = 12.5 hours)
  • 2 courses of 25 students (non doctoral) = 25 load per week (50 x .5 = 25 hours)
  • 1 clinical course of 6-8 students = 12.5 load per week
  • Assessment rubric development (1 hour/week) = 1 load per week (e.g., reduction of two non doctoral students)
  • Course development (50 hours over an eight week session) = 6.5 load per week (50 hours/8 weeks = 6.5 hours)
  • Course revision (25 hours over an eight week session) = 3.1 load per week (25 hours/8 weeks = 3.1 hours)
  • Governance (1 hour/week) = 1 load per week

Purpose: The purpose of the policy is to outline how faculty workloads are determined.

Scope: This policy applies to all university faculty and adjunct. 

Documents and Forms: 

  • Faculty Handbook