104 - University Council

Title: University Council
Owner: Executive Director, Academic Compliance and Reporting
Last Update/Revision: 05/01/2024


Policy: The University Council (UC) fosters, reviews, and recommends policies that are consistent with the University's mission and compliant with federal, state, and other regulatory agencies.  

Purpose: The purpose of the University Council is to propose university policies to the President’s Council for full adjudication and publication. 

Members and Responsibilities: The UC shall have representation, at a minimum, from each department. Each member of the UC has the responsibility to present policy.  Not all members have voting rights but shall serve as Ex-Officio.

Voting Members:

Assistant Deans

Director of Academic Advising

Director of Academic Services and Assessment

Director of Enrollment

Director of Immersion

Director of Institutional Research

Director of Regulatory Compliance (CONHS)

Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Committee Chair

Faculty Senate Chair

Program Directors

Senior Director of OFE

University Registrar 


Non-Voting Members:

Assistant Vice President, Financial Aid (AGI)

Assistant Vice President, Student Finance (AGI)

Vice President, Academic and Regulatory Operations (AGI)

Vice President, Student Accounts (AGI)

Career and Alumni Specialist



Executive Director, Academic Compliance and Reporting


The University Council (UC) shall meet Monthly or ad hoc in instances of urgent regulatory updates that impact policy.  Proposed new or update to policy shall be sent at least five (5) days prior to scheduled UC meeting for members to review and opine.

  1. All proposed policies shall be presented to the UC for comment.
  2. After presentation the Chair shall open the polls to allow each voting member to vote.
    1. Each member shall vote to Approve or Deny policy updates to move forward to President Council (PC).
    2. In the event of a tie, the UC Chair will cast their vote.
  3. Policies with majority of votes will be considered as approved.
  4. The UC Chair shall present all approved policies to the PC for final adjudication.   The policies will include all comments and/or recommendations from UC.
  5. Policies that are denied shall be sent back to the responsible department for review and resubmission after all UC comments and/or recommendations have been resolved.

Scope: This policy shall apply to all University constituencies: e.g., Academic Affairs, Student Services, Admissions, Operations, etc.

Documents and Forms: None