105 - President's Council

Title:  President's Council
Owner: Office of the President
Last Update/Revision: 05/01/2024

Policy: The President's Council reviews and approves policies consistent with the University's mission and compliant with federal, state, and other regulatory agencies. 

A quorum is required and is defined as be one member more than fifty percent of the President's Council.Amended Robert’s Rules of Order shall constitute the President's Council rules of order.


The President's Council (PC), shall have representation, at a minimum, from each department. Each member of the PC has the responsibility to present and discuss policy.


  • University President (non-voting) 

Voting Members

  • Provost, Chief Academic Officer
  • Chief Financial Officer
  • Dean, College of Nursing and Health Science
  • Dean, College of Business and Technology 
  • Dean, College of Education
  • Executive Director, Academic Compliance and Reporting

Non-Voting Members

  • Senior Director of Academic Services and Assessment
  • Vice President of Academic and Regulatory Operations (AGI)

Purpose: The purpose of this policy is to explain the functions of the President's Council (PC).


  1. All meetings begin with determining that a quorum is present.
    1. If a quorum is not present the meeting is rescheduled.
  2. The first agenda item is always the review and approval of the previous meeting's minutes.
    1. Once approved, minutes are uploaded into the USU Governance Meeting Minutes folder owned by The Office of the President.
  3. All proposed policies shall be presented to the President's Council following approval at the University Counsel for comment.
  4. After presentation the Chair shall open the polls to allow each voting member to vote.
    1. Each member shall vote to Approve or Deny the policy in order for it to move forward to publication.
    2. In the event of a tie, the Chair will cast their vote.
  5. The majority must vote Approve for the policy to move forward.
  6. Policies that are denied shall be sent back to the responsible department for review and resubmission after all PC comments and/or recommendations have been resolved.
  7. Meeting minutes are recorded by the committee chair or designee and are reviewed for approval at the next meeting.

Scope: This policy shall apply to all University policies.

Documents and Forms: None