EdTPA Resources

There are many resources to help Student Teachers prepare for the edTPA. These resources include but are not limited to:

  • Content-Specific Handbook and Rubrics

  • “Making Good Choices”

  • “Understanding Rubric Level Progressions”

  • Academic Language Handout

Student Teachers are responsible for reading and knowing all the content in these documents and following the instructions therein. These resources can be found in the Teacher’s Lounge in D2L.

The following is a checklist for submitting edTPA to Pearson:

STEP ONE: Register for Pearson (this should be done immediately)


  • Select the assessment, choose the "national" version.
  • Enter the last 5 digits of SSN.
  • Select United States University when asked which program.
    • This ensures we get your scores to process your credential.
  • When asked if edTPA is a program requirement, state license requirement, or both, select BOTH.
    • This way your scores are sent to both USU and CTC.
  • If you are planning to teach in another state (e.g., NY, Washington, Georgia, Ohio, Minnesota, Iowa), you can select to have your scores sent to that state if it's listed as a state that currently requires edTPA for credentialing
  • Go to the bottom portion to enter Visa or Mastercard or PayPal information to pay the balance.
  • Registration needs to be done before submission.

STEP TWO: Submit directly to Pearson

  • Do not use any identifying information in file names or within documents.
  • Remove student names, school names, city names or your own name.
  • Upload all artifacts and commentaries to Pearson (see evidence chart in handbook for formatting requirements.) Do NOT submit yet.
  • Double check the checklist and make sure you have enough evidence, enough documents, and enough videos. You do not want to score an Incomplete.
  • Submit.

One of the most difficult parts of guiding students through the process of submitting their edTPA is that the faculty cannot give feedback on the submission, outside of helping with technical issues, grammar, or mechanics. The content of the edTPA must be evaluated by the edTPA reviewers. Here are some helpful links that give additional information:

Assessment Process Overview: http://www.edtpa.com/PageView.aspx?f=GEN_AssessmentProcessOverview.html

Submission and Reporting Dates:


edTPA for California: http://www.edtpa.com/PageView.aspx?f=GEN_California.html

Policies for Students: http://www.edtpa.com/PageView.aspx?f=GEN_CandidatePolicies.html

Candidate FAQs: http://www.edtpa.com/PageView.aspx?f=HTML_FRAG/GENRB_FAQ_Candidates.html