Process for Re-taking the edTPA

Student Teachers who do not meet the passing standards for the edTPA but are in “good standing” in the program as determined by their Team Leader(s) may be given the opportunity to retake and submit a new edTPA. Good standing means the following:

  • Student Teachers have at least a 3.0 GPA.
  • Student Teachers have earned a C grade or above or Credit in all courses.
  • Student Teachers have excellent student teaching evaluations.
  • Student Teachers have positive attitudes and dispositions.

The College of Education recognizes that there are varying valid reasons why some Student Teachers may not pass; in cases where Student Teachers are in good standing, the College of Education via the edTPA Coordinator may offer these Student Teachers another opportunity to pass the edTPA.

Candidates who pass their retakes will have their credential processed. is rare for Student Teachers’ to retake the edTPA for a third time; but in these cases, Student Teachers must follow the same steps outlined in this section, if they are given permission to re-take.