Professional Dispositions

Highly qualified teachers, by definition, meet professional standards of excellence in knowledge, skills, and dispositions. The College of Education expects Student Teachers to nurture, uphold, and sustain professional dispositions at all times. Student Teachers are expected to demonstrate professional behavior and dispositions on school sites, in university classes, and in all other professional settings.

Of utmost importance to Student Teachers successful completion of the credential program toward becoming an employable new professional, is the ability to work with others. Essential elements of professional dispositions that Student Teachers must display and demonstrate include but are not limited to the following:

  • Being open to new ideas
  • Respecting the opinions of others
  • Creating and sustaining positive rapport and respectful communication with all members of the university and school communities
  • Respecting the experience and knowledge of all members of the university and school communities
  • Solving problems instead of complaining
  • Maintaining a positive attitude
  • Acting with integrity and kindness
  • Holding oneself personally and professionally accountable
  • Applying feedback and seeking ways to improve, grow, and develop
  • Using mature judgment
  • Maintaining a strong work ethic and is well-prepared for all endeavors

Being an effective teacher is more than just having and imparting content knowledge and skillfully delivering lessons. Being an effective teacher is about being a professional. If Student Teachers fail to display and demonstrate professional dispositions, they can and will be held accountable for their actions, or lack of actions.