Insurance (NEA)
United States University provides worker’s compensation and liability insurance for Teacher Interns while they are engaged in internship or other field-based credential classes. This means Teacher Interns are only covered while they are actively enrolled in credential program courses. Teacher Interns must purchase additional liability insurance from one of a variety of insurance sources. For example, membership in the Student California Teachers Association (SCTA) provides up to one million dollars of liability insurance and free legal referrals. (See this website for more information: Additionally, as an NEA Student Program member you qualify for one million dollars of insurance through the NEA Educators Employment Liability Program. (See this website for more information:
You will need to purchase additional insurance in addition to your USU supplied insurance. To do this, view the information below from the CTA.
Any person regularly enrolled in an institution of higher education in the State of California preparing to become a teacher and eligible to become a member of the Student California Teachers Association under the provisions of the governance documents of that association may become a Student member. Any teacher joining CTA/NEA as an Active member during their first year of eligibility can request a rebate of Student dues paid; $10 per year for up to five years for CTA and $20 per year, for up to four years for NEA. Please contact the CTA Human Rights Department for rebate application forms.
Cost: Student - CTA $15.00 (includes $5 Local Student CTA dues); NEA $15.00
You may enroll in one of two ways:
1. Online with a major credit/debit card here.
2. Complete a Student CTA enrollment form and send it with a check or money order for full annual Student CTA/NEA/Local dues to the SCTA office, P.O. Box 921, Burlingame, CA, 94011-0921.