304-3 -Tutoring

Title:  Tutoring
Owner: Director of Academic Advising
Last Update/Revised: 05/01/2024

Policy: The University provides tutoring services for Math, English and other areas of need with the purpose of helping students maintain proficiency or improve in a specific subject. USU offers free access to Brainfuse: HelpNow in the Learning Management System (LMS) classroom. Brainfuse is a third-party tutoring service designed for a range of academic needs that includes Live Tutor help or a writing lab for writing assistance. In addition, USU offers a virtual Library with a list of databases for students use and additional APA resources. Students are encouraged to seek help if needed to enhance their academic performance. Contact the student services department to obtain additional information regarding tutoring resources.

Purpose: To serve as a writing/studying resource for students.


  1. Students seeking tutoring services may find Brainfuse within the Learning Management System (LMS) (e.g., D2L) classroom.
  2. Students must log into the LMS and will find Brainfuse Tutoring on the top Navigation Bar.

Scope: The scope of this policy applies to all university students.

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