307-10-1 Application for Graduation and Commencement

Title:  Application for Graduation and Commencement
Owner: University Registrar
Last Updated/Revised: 05/01/2024

Policy: This policy outlines the procedures and requirements for students applying for graduation and participating in the commencement ceremony at United States University.

Application for Graduation

Students that are within 12 credits of completing their undergraduate program, 6 credits for graduate (including post-baccalaureate and post-master's certificate) program, may file an Application for Graduation. Students in doctoral programs must have completed all academic requirements including the final defense or presentation to apply for graduation. The Office of the Registrar will use the application to complete a degree audit to ensure students are meeting graduating requirements.  The Application for Graduation is also used to confer degrees.

Commencement Ceremony

The formal commencement ceremony is held once a year on a date announced by the University. Degree and certificate candidates who have completed all graduation requirements since the previous commencement ceremony are eligible to participate. Undergraduate and graduate degree/certificate candidates who will be completed with their program requirements for graduation on the date of commencement will also be invited to participate in the ceremony. Students enrolled in doctoral programs must have completed all academic requirements including final defense or presentation to apply to participate in the commencement ceremony.  

Purpose: The policy is to ensure consistent information regarding application for graduation and commencement is provided to all potential graduates.


Application for Graduation

  1. Eligible students will be sent an Application for Graduation to their university email address.
  2.  Students must complete the online Application for Graduation and send it to the Office of the Registrar.
    1. The application must accurately reflect the student's legal name as recorded in the university's records. If needed, students can file a Student Name Change Form before submitting their graduation application.
  3.  Upon receiving the Application for Graduation, the Office of the Registrar will conduct a comprehensive degree audit to ensure that all graduation criteria have been met.
Scope: This shall apply to all potential active students near graduation time. For more information on how degrees are issued posthumously refer to the Award of Posthumous Degrees Policy.

Documents and Forms: