307-10-2 - Posthumous Degrees

Title: Posthumous Degrees
Owner: Office of the Provost
Last Update/Revised: 05/01/2024

Policy: United States University (USU) views the awarding of a posthumous degree as compassionate means to celebrate the life and contributions to the university community of a student who dies prior to completion of their degree. The awarding of a posthumous degree may bring closure for the family and friends of the deceased student as well as the university community.

The Dean of the student’s college may nominate the student, if at the time of death:

  • The student was enrolled and in good academic standing;
  • The student had completed at least two-thirds (2/3) of all coursework toward the degree, and
  • The Dean determines that recognition of the student's accomplishments by the award of the degree is warranted based on graduate work completed and other circumstances pertinent to the request


  1. The request for the awarding of a posthumous degree is submitted to the Registrar using the Request for Posthumous Degree Form.
  2. The Registrar verifies the student is eligible and forwards the form to the appropriate Dean.
  3. The Dean determines the recognition is warranted and sends the form to the Provost.
  4. If the Provost approves the request, they will contact the deceased student’s immediate family to determine whether the family is receptive to the university’s granting a posthumous degree. If affirmative, the Provost instructs the University Registrar to award the posthumous degree for the next scheduled graduation date.
  5. The Provost/President will provide a letter of condolence addressed to the student’s family. This letter should be forwarded to the Registrar for inclusion with the student’s diploma.
  6. The Registrar records the awarding of the degree on the student’s transcript and also indicates that the degree is awarded posthumously (e.g. Bachelor of Arts Degree Awarded Posthumously, May 17, 2020).
  7. The Registrar produces a diploma which includes a notation that the degree is “Awarded Posthumously”.
  8. The Registrar forwards the diploma and letter of condolence from the President to the student’s College Dean.
  9. The student’s name will be included in the commencement program with an “Awarded Posthumously” designation.
  10. The College Dean may make arrangements for presentation or mailing of the diploma and letter of condolence to the student’s family.

Purpose: The purpose of this policy is to detail the steps taken to confer a posthumous degree.

Scope: Policy is to clearly identify criteria and procedures needed to award degrees posthumously once the University has been notified and request submitted in writing.

Documents and Forms:

Request for Posthumous Degree Form