700-12-Other IRB of Record

Title: Other IRB of Record
Owner: IRB
Last Update/Revised: 05/01/2024

Policy: The USU IRB may agree to rely upon the review of another qualified external IRB. The IRB Chair provides primary oversight of the process for alternative IRB arrangements. If an external IRB will provide approval and oversight for a project/study conducted by an USU investigator, the IRB Chair or designee will complete an Other IRB of Record document that designates the external IRB as the IRB of record.

This document will include, at a minimum:

  • role and responsibility of the IRB of record
  • the authority of the IRB of record to oversee the study
  • the responsibility of the IRB of record for oversight and continuing review
  • instructions for the investigator to close out the project/study with the USU IRB upon completion

The document will be signed by the IRB Chair and stored with the external IRB approval documentation in the IRB Google Drive with the research proposal.

Purpose: This policy aims to outline the role of an external IRB.


  1. If an external IRB has reviewed a project/research proposal, the investigator will submit the documents provided by the external IRB with the USU IRB Review Form. 
  2. The IRB Chair will review the documents, and if acceptable, designate the external IRB as the IRB of Record.
  3. The IRB Chair will create the document per policy, send this letter to the investigator, and store all relevant documents in the IRB Google Drive.

Scope: The policy applied to projects/studies reviewed by an external IRB.

Documents and Forms:

Other IRB of Record Letter Template (available on IRB Google Drive)