700-8-Ad Hoc Consultant Reviewers

Title: Ad Hoc Consultant Reviewers
Owner: IRB
Last Update/Revised: 5/1/2024

Policy: The IRB will, at its discretion, invite individuals with competence in special areas to assist reviewing issues requiring expertise beyond or in addition to that of available IRB members. Ad hoc consultants are not voting members of the IRB and are subject to the IRB’s policy regarding conflicts of interest and confidentiality. Ad hoc consultants are compensated $150 per review.


  1. It is the responsibility of the IRB Chair (in consultation with the primary and secondary reviewer, if applicable) to determine that a consultation for additional expertise is needed beyond the expertise available to the board.
  2. The IRB Chair may consult with a known expert in the field or may contact the Dean, Assistant Deans, and Program Directors of the appropriate discipline for references of qualified individuals.
  3. Ad hoc consultants are provided with all submission materials. Ad hoc consultants must review the materials and provide the IRB with a written assessment that includes an evaluation of the risk-benefit ratio and any ethical concerns, identification of any additional safety concerns or procedures that may pose serious harm to subjects, and responses to other specific requests made by the IRB. This written assessment is made available to IRB members via IRB Google Drive and becomes part of the permanent electronic record.
    1. When an ad hoc consultant review is completed, the IRB Chair coordinates payment of the $150 stipend.

Purpose: This policy outlines the procedure for using ad hoc consultants.

Scope: This policy applies to the USU IRB.

Documents and Forms:
