700-7-IRB Training

Title: IRB Training 
Owner: IRB
Last Update/Revised: 5/1/2024

Policy: The IRB Chair establishes the training requirements for IRB staff, IRB members/alternates, and investigators proposing projects or research activity at USU. In collaboration with the IRB Chair, Deans (or their designee) establish the training requirements for doctoral students and faculty in their programs.

The Collaborative IRB Training Initiative (CITI) human subject research training program is the primary mechanism through which training occurs. Training must be recertified every three years.


  1. IRB Member/Alternate and Staff Training
    1. IRB affiliate members/alternates and staff must complete human subject research training, provided by CITI. Verification of training is recorded in the CITI admin portal (monitored by the IRB Chair or designee). The required module is: IRB Members.
    2. The IRB Chair trains IRB nonaffiliate members/alternates. Completing the IRB Member CITI module is offered, but optional.
    3. All IRB members and staff are encouraged to attend workshops and other educational opportunities focused on IRB functions and human subject research. USU supports such activities to the extent possible (as approved by the Provost or designee) and as appropriate for staff and member responsibilities. Certificates of completion should be retained by the IRB member/staff.
  2. Investigators, Doctoral Students, and Faculty Serving as Chair for Doctoral Projects or Dissertations
    1. Investigators, doctoral students, and faculty serving as chairs for doctoral projects or dissertations must complete human subject research training, provided by CITI. There are three required modules:
      • Researchers - Information Privacy & Security (IPS)
      • Social and Behavioral Responsible Conduct of Research
      • Social-Behavioral-Educational (SBE) Comprehensive
    2. Investigators and doctoral students must provide certification of completion or recertification to USU’s IRB as part of their initial IRB Review submission and this certification must be valid for at least one year post the submission date (if training will expire within the year, it must be renewed prior to submitting to the IRB).

    3. Training by faculty serving as chairs for doctoral projects or dissertations is recorded in the CITI admin portal (monitored by the IRB Chair or designee).

Purpose: This policy ensures all USU community members affiliated with research activity or doctoral projects/dissertations are appropriately trained to protect the rights and welfare of research subjects.

Scope: This policy applies to USU IRB members, IRB staff, those who conduct human subject research at USU, all doctoral students, and faculty serving as chairs for doctoral projects or dissertations.

Documents and Forms:

IRB Handbook - Doctoral Student Edition

IRB Handbook - Faculty & Staff Edition