700-24-IRB Submission Requirements

Title: IRB Submission Requirements
Owner: IRB
Last Update/Revised: 05/01/2024

Policy: The IRB relies solely on the documentation submitted for initial and continuing review. Therefore, submissions must provide enough information to allow a reviewer to provide a determination of not human subject research, a determination of exempt research, or approval of a study (whether it is expedited or requires a full board review).

IRB submission requirements for all other submissions to the IRB, such as Amendment Forms, Continuing Review Forms, Event Reporting Forms, etc. are found in the IRB Handbook(s).

If the IRB Chair (or designee) determines that the submitted information is not adequate, there will be a request for the submission of additional information; incomplete submissions will not receive a review.

The submission by an investigator or chair (for a doctoral student) using their USU email is considered an electronic signature, legally valid as if the documents were submitted in paper format with a wet signature. Note: Doctoral students do not submit directly to the IRB; their chair submits on their behalf.

Purpose: This policy clarifies the requirements for IRB submissions.

Scope: This policy applies to all submissions made to the IRB.

Documents and Forms:

IRB Handbook - Doctoral Student Edition

IRB Handbook - Faculty & Staff Edition

Amendment Form

Continuing Review Form

Event Reporting Form

Final Report Form