Statement of Assurance

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Internship Program - Statement of Assurance

As the Dean of the College of Education, I assure the following:

Each intern certificate will be valid for a period of two years. However, a certificate may be valid for three years if the intern is participating in a program leading to the attainment of a specialist credential to teach students, or for four years if the intern is participating in a district intern program leading to the attainment of both a multiple subject or a single subject teaching credential and a specialist credential to teach students with mild/moderate disabilities. Reference: Education Code Section 44325 (b).

To receive program approval, the participating institution authorizes the candidates in an internship program to assume the functions that are authorized by the regular standard credential. Reference: Education Code Section 44454The institution stipulates that the interns' services meet the instructional or service needs of the participating district(s). Reference: Education Code Section 44458.



Dr. Rebecca Wardlow, Dean College of Education

United States University