301-5 - Deferred Admission

Title:  Deferred Admissions

Executive Director, Registrar Operations and Academic Compliance/
Director of Enrollment

Last Update/Revised:  02/25/2021

Policy: Pending departmental approval, applicants may defer enrollment up to 180 calendar days from the time of initial acceptance. Applicants who fail to enroll within the specified time frame will forfeit their place in the program and will be required to submit another application, if they choose to reapply. Requests for deferment must be made in writing to the admissions office. Students must adhere to the catalog policies, curriculum, processes, etc. in place at time of enrollment.

Purpose: The University understands that applicants may not be ready to begin their studies on the initial date they applied for. The purpose of this policy is to maintain communication between applicant and enrollment regarding the potential start and to have visibility of projected enrollment starts.

Scope: This policy should apply to all applicants including reentries and graduates.

Document and Form(s): N/A