301-6 - Readmission

Title:  Readmission Policy
Owner: Executive Director, Registrar Operations and Academic Compliance/
Director of Enrollment
Last Update/Revised: 05/05/2022

Policy: Students who withdrew or were administratively withdrawn from the University must reapply before resuming their studies. Upon return, students must provide transcripts from all colleges attended during their absence from the University and complete a readmission application. Readmission is not guaranteed. Readmitted students will be subject to the catalog requirements in effect at the time of readmission which may require students to complete additional courses to fulfill the current program requirements. Before a student is readmitted all financial obligations must be met unless clearance from Student Financial Services clears for enrollment.

Students that are readmitted will be evaluated for satisfactory academic progress (SAP). All students will be readmitted under the same academic status at time of exiting the university: e.g., good academic status, academic/financial warning. Students returning after an approved appeal for SAP will return under a probationary status. Military service members who are readmitted to their program after a period of military service will be readmitted with the same academic status they had prior to their period of military service.

Please refer to the University Satisfactory Academic Progress Policy.

Purpose: The purpose of the policy is to communicate clear expectations to returning students after exiting the University.

Scope: This policy shall apply to all returning students regardless of time away.

Document and Form(s):

  • Admission Application
  • Appeal Form