301-7 - Audit Students

Title:  Audit Students Policy
Owner: Executive Director, Registrar Operations and Academic Compliance
Last Update/Revised: 12/11/2020

Policy: Alumni and current students may audit courses previously completed. Alumni who want to audit a course must complete an admission application. Approval to audit is given when space is available as matriculated students have priority. At the discretion of the College Dean certain courses may not be eligible for audit. Students that are auditing a course will be responsible for any costs associated with any courses: e.g., textbooks, supplies. Refer to the tuition and fees section under this catalog. Students must participate in class activities but may not be required to take examinations.

Audit students will not receive academic credit for any course taken in an audit status, credit hours do not count towards enrollment status, and are not eligible for federal financial aid. Audit students cannot change their status once they have registered into course(s). All other academic and institutional policies apply to students auditing course(s). 

Purpose: Purpose of this policy is to provide visibility and expectations of requirements for alumni or students wishing to enroll into a course as a refresher or audit. 

Scope: Enrollment as an audit student applies only to students that have successfully completed coursework. Students or applicants that have not successfully completed a course cannot enroll into an audit status. 

Document and Form(s):