307-10-2 - Posthumous Degrees

Title:  Posthumous Degrees
Owner: Executive Director, Registrar Operations and Academic Compliance
Last Update/Revised: 11/20/2020

Policy: The College Dean may nominate a deceased student who has made significant contributions to the College, field, or university and/or demonstrated character exemplifying the values and standards of the University and discipline to the President to confer a degree posthumously. Requests must be routed  through the student’s college by family members or other interested parties.

The College Dean may nominate the student, if at the time of death:

  • The student was continuously enrolled and in good academic standing; and

  • The College dean determines that recognition of the student's accomplishments by the award of the degree is warranted based on graduate work completed and other circumstances pertinent to the request; and

  • The student should have completed at least two-thirds (2/3) of all coursework toward the degree.

Purpose: United States University views the awarding of a posthumous degree as compassionate means to celebrate the life and contributions to the university community of a student who dies prior to completion of their degree. The awarding of a posthumous degree may bring closure for the family and friends of the deceased student as well as the university community.

Scope: Policy is to clearly identify criteria and procedures needed to award degrees posthumously once the University has been notified and request submitted in writing.

Document and Form(s):

  • Request to Issue Posthumous Degree
  • Supporting Documentation, if applicable