307-6 - Grading System

Title: Grading System
Owner: Executive Director, Registrar Operations and Academic Compliance
Last Update/Revised: 02/25/2021

Policy: The grading system that appears in the charts below governs grading symbols and computations for all undergraduate and graduate students of the University. All letter grades carry quality points and are computed in student GPAs.

Students receive a grade in each course for which they register and attend. Each course syllabus indicates the relationship between course components and assignments in determining a final grade. Grades of plus (+) and minus (-) are used in determining a grade point average (GPA). Quality points, used in determining a grade average, are assigned as follows:

General Grading Scale

Grade Quality Points Percentage*
A 4.00 94.0 - 100
A- 3.67 90.0 - 93.99
B+ 3.33 87.0 - 89.99
B 3..00 83.0 - 86.99
B- 2.67 80.0 - 82.99
C+  2.33 77.0 - 79.99
2.0 73.0 - 76.99
C- 1.67 70.0 - 72.99
D+  1.33 67.0 - 69.99
1.00 63.0 - 66.99
D-  0.67 60.0 - 62.99
F 0.00 < = 59.99

*For MBA students, a minimum passing grade is a "C+" grade. For MEd students, a minimum passing grade is a "B-" grade.

Undergraduate Nursing Grading Scale

Grade Quality Points Percentage*
A 4.00 95.0 - 100
A- 3.67 90.0 - 94.99
B+ 3.33 87.0 - 89.99
B 3.00 84.0 - 86.99
B- 2.67 80.0 - 83.99
C+ 2.33 77.0 - 79.99
C 2.00 74.0 - 76.99
F 0.00 < = 73.99

* For BSN students, a minimum passing grade is 'C' grade.

Graduate Nursing Grading Scale

Grade Quality Points Percentage*
A 4.00 95.0 - 100
A- 3.67 90.0 - 94.99
B+ 3.33 87.0 - 89.99
B 3.00 84.0 - 86.99
B- 2.67 80.0 - 83.99
F 0.00 < = 79.99

*For MSN students, a minimum passing grade is a 'B' grade. 

For complete listing of additional course designators and definitions please refer tot he Grading System Policy in the catalog.

Purpose: Purpose of this policy is to identify award of letter grades within the University's 4.0 grading system and to determine satisfactory academic progress (SAP).

Scope: This policy applies to all university employees and current students.

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