307-6.1 - Incomplete Grade Procedure

Title:  Incomplete Grade Procedure 
Owner: Executive Director, Registrar Operations and Academic Compliance
Last Update/Revised: 12/11/2019


Time Frame

  1. Student request must be made between weeks seven (7) and eight (8) of the current session.
  2. Faculty Must notify Registrar's Office no later than the last day of the session (Monday) allowing time for incomplete form to be sent to faculty to be completed.
  3. Form must be completed and signed by both faculty and student within 24 hours of form being received. Incomplete deadline cannot exceed four (4) weeks from the end of a session.

Steps - Incomplete Request

  1. Students who are experiencing extenuating circumstances contact their faculty with explanation and requests an incomplete grade via LMS.
  2. Faculty maintains communication with student to determine if the rational and other criteria for incomplete is met. If not met, student does not qualify for incomplete.
    1. If approved, notify the Registrar's Office via email at registrar@usuniversity.edu. Faculty not required to release final grade in LMS (D2L).
    2. If not approved, notify student that incomplete is not warranted. 
  3. After email notification from faculty is received Registrar's Office will send via DocuSign Incomplete Grade Request form to both student and faculty.
    1. Faculty will complete and sign the form:
      1. Type student name and student identification number.
      2. Include course information, current earned grade with missing assignments, and deadline.
      3. Outline required missing assignment(s) student must submit by given deadline.
    2. Student signs incomplete grade form to acknowledge the outlined assignments and deadline.
  4. Registrar's Office receives completed and signed form for processing and maintaining in student's educational record. 

Steps - Update Grade

  1. If student submits assignments, faculty will grade and enter into LMS within the deadline. If student fails to submit zeros should be added to LMS.
  2. Faculty will release final grades in LMS within 24 hours of deadline given or after last assignment has been provided by the student, whichever is first. 
  3. Students educational record will be updated to reflect new grade.