Early Program Completion Option
The Early Completion Intern Option (ECO) is intended to provide individuals who have requisite skills and knowledge an opportunity to challenge the course work portion of a Multiple or Single Subject Intern Program and demonstrate pedagogical skills through a performance assessment while in a Commission-approved intern program. All Commission-approved intern programs (both university and district) must offer early completion options to qualified candidates.
Individuals must satisfy all of the following requirements:
- Bachelor’s degree or higher from a regionally accredited college or university
- Completion of the initial edTPA task(s) 1-3 for Multiple Subjects and 1-4 for Single Subjects. Students must pass their edTPA on their first attempt to qualify for the Early Program Completer Option.
- Completion of a course in the provisions and principles of the U.S. Constitution, or passage of an examination in the subject given by a regionally accredited college, or university
- Verify knowledge of the subject to be taught by one of the following two methods:
- Passing the Appropriate CSET exam(s)
- Completion of a Subject Matter Verification Form (email your Academic Advisor if you feel you qualify for this waiver via a direct degree match or coursework evaluation)
- Passing the RICA exam (Multiple Subject Candidates only)
- Passage of the National Evaluation Series (NES) Assessment of Professional Knowledge (APK): Elementary (Test code 051) for Multiple Subjects candidates or Secondary (Test code 052) for Single Subject candidates. An intern who elects to use the early completion option must first pass the required APK in order to qualify to take the teaching performance assessment required for the ECO, as specified in Education Code section 44468.
- Certificate of Clearance - Fingerprint processing by Live Scan (form 41-LS), if not previously completed for the Commission
- Clear Tuberculin Skin test or X-Ray
- Valid Internship Credential
Individuals must have an offer of employment and be enrolled in a District Intern Program or a college or university with a Commission-approved intern program. Applications must be submitted to the Commission through the Commission-approved intern program sponsor. Students working on an intern credential are not permitted to take a leave from the university while they are teaching. Any gap in attendance at the University will result in the credential being revoked and the district being notified.