The Teacher Intern's Responsibilities

  • Make personal contact with the Site Supervisor to discuss lesson plans, schedules, observations, conferencing, and evaluation
  • Gather information about the school. Candidates should ask for copies of Student, Teacher, and Parent Handbooks, maps, schedules, and school calendars.
  • Review important crisis information such as fire drills.
  • Learn about duties the school requires of USU teacher interns, such as:
    • Be present at the school site during regular teacher hours
    • Collaborate with the Site Supervisor for planning and teaching lessons
    • Be responsible for all teaching duties. These may include supervising, yard duty, cafeteria duty, before-school yard supervision, bus duty, staff meetings, in-service, etc.
  • Discuss student progress regularly with the Site Supervisor and University Supervisor.
  • Complete routine tasks and responsibilities in the classroom and in general school tasks.
  • Attend internship courses at the University.
  • Review the State Framework and the State and District Standards.
  • Design lesson plans carefully and submits them to the Site Supervisor and University Supervisor, as appropriate.
  • Confer with Site Supervisor and University Supervisor after the observations and evaluations.