Absences, Important Commitments and Dates to Note

Substantial commitments of time and energy are required to successfully complete the internship program. The Internship is a full-time, one-year commitment. Childcare, outside work and other commitments must be managed previous to beginning Internship.

Teacher Interns must attend/adhere to the following events/assignments:

  • Internship Orientation
  • edTPA deadlines
  • District/School academic calendar
  • School-site meetings (faculty meetings, grade-level meetings, Back-to School nights, parent-teacher conferences, etc.)
  • School-site field trips
  • School-site testing days

Teacher Interns are encouraged to plan ahead. Events such as weddings and vacations are not considered excused absences. More than three absences and more than three tardies will not be tolerated. Excessive absences can lead to removal from the program. Teacher Interns must notify their principal, University Supervisor and Site Supervisor in case of tardiness or absence, as early as possible and prior to the start of the school day (email, text, or phone).

If an intern must take a leave of absence or withdraw from the university, the university must revoke the intern credential license with the CTC. At that time, the Administrative team in the College of Education will notify the school district, and the student, with the date the intern credential will expire. Once an intern returns to the university, a new intern credential can be issued if the intern has a job offer and has met all other requirements.