Internship Teaching Placement

The intern is responsible for the coordination of the placement of the internship, which is based on a job offer from a public school district in the state of California. Private school placements are not approved placements for intern teachers. Placements will be based on compliance with CTC and USU criteria for diverse classroom settings. Before beginning their intern teaching, the candidate will meet with The Office of Educational Placements and Partnerships to discuss placement possibilities.

Multiple Subjects: The elementary experience is designed for candidates to learn the teaching of English Language Arts and Mathematics in a K-8 setting. Candidates will be exposed to elementary settings with diverse populations, including English Learners (EL) and students with special needs. This classroom should contain a population, where English Language Development (ELD) and Specially Designed Academic Instruction in English (SDAIE) lessons are taught.

Single Subject: The secondary experience is designed for candidates to learn the teaching of a specific single subject in a 7-12 setting. Candidates will be exposed to secondary settings with diverse populations, including EL and students with special needs. Specifically, classroom settings will contain an English Learner (EL) population, where English Language Development (ELD) and Specially Designed Academic Instruction in English (SDAIE) lessons are taught.

Bilingual Authorization in Spanish: Candidates seeking Bilingual Authorization in Spanish must be placed in a classroom where Spanish is used as the language of instruction. Candidates will be required to conduct literacy and academic content lessons in Spanish for one extended teaching assignment. However, they must also demonstrate skills in teaching reading in English as well. CSET exams for Spanish III, IV, and V must be passed before interning.

All teacher interns will be assessed in teaching lessons which include ELD and SDAIE. Candidates pursuing a Bilingual Authorization will be assessed on SDAIE and ELD lessons, as well as, on lessons taught in Spanish.

If the Public School and USU calendars differ, candidates are required to follow the School site calendar. Some schools are on a traditional calendar while others are on a year-round calendar. Therefore, candidates will follow the schedule of the School District in which they have been placed.